Sports Premium

The Government has given every Primary School funding to develop Physical education and competitive sport.

Sports Premium 2023-2024

Sports Premium 2022-2023

Sports Premium 2021-2022

Sports Premium 2020-2021

Sports Premium Evaluation 2023-24

Sports Premium Evaluation 2022-23

Sports Premium Evaluation 2021-22

Sports Premium Evaluation 2020-2021

Sports Premium Evaluation 2019-2020

Sports Premium Evaluation 2018-2019

Sports Premium 2019-2020

Sports Premium 2018-2019

Sports Premium 2017-2018

School Swimming Data 2023-24

School Swimming data 2022-2023

School Swimming data 2021-22

School Swimming data 2020-2021

School Swimming data 2019-2020


In our school we are using this funding by working with the Pennine Sports Partnership and using our own designated Sports Lead to:

  • Increase the amount of competition sport in which our children participate.
  • Make links to other community sports providers.
  • Develop additional clubs and activities for children, outside the curriculum.
  • Encourage our children to improve their leadership skills through sport.
  • Give extra support in PE to our most talented children and include those with special needs in sport.

Lastly, we are bringing PE and sports specialist teachers and coaches into work with and alongside class teachers in lessons.

In this way, our children will gain new skills and experiences and teachers will learn new techniques and knowledge to aid them in teaching sport and PE.
